Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Personal journal (2/26/2013)

Strategy refers to make plans and policies to achieve the predetermined goals. In this module I would like to learn various tools and techniques used for making best strategy. And I would also like to develop my thinking to think out of box to solve problem and make successful strategy.

After graduating from the college I am planning to start my career in FMCG manufacturing company. Like in other companies strategy is very important in these companies too. Because in FMCG companies bulk production should be made and sales of that product should be done in short time to make profit so, correct strategy plays very vital role. And by reading this module I will learn various techniques to make best strategy to tackle such satiation's and to make company in competitive pace.

First of all I will promise to myself to show complete dedication towards the subject and will remain continuously enthusiastic to learn. Beside this I will work very hard to make my presentation skill to professional level. I will excess to various journals and other study materials to make my research more appropriate.

I want my lecture to provide information’s which is useful to use in real life scenario. And I also want my lecture to give ideas and ways to make excess to the global market to start out career. I want my classmates to not to decrease their pace to learn. Be attentive and make the class environment an absolute learning environment. I want my college to provide some learning opportunities outside college too.